Mission Statement
At the Center for Applied Theatre we are committed to challenging social and political systems, imagining just and humane societies, and designing actions to generate community, fight internal and external oppressions, and transform the world. We offer interactive and collaborative workshops that use techniques drawn primarily from the Theatre of the Oppressed and The Virtues Project to …
Workshops & Residencies
The Center for Applied Theatre (CAT) offers interactive workshops that emphasize collaboration as a way to explore issues and solve problems. These workshops function to raise questions about our place in the world and they offer opportunities for shared learning and the development of actions for affecting that world. Workshop activities combine fun …
What is Applied Theatre?
Applied Theatre refers to the practice of using theatre-based techniques as tools to discover and learn, to explore issues of concern to communities, to identify problems and actively rehearse solutions, and to provoke and shape social change. Center for Applied Theatre workshops offer a unique amalgam of techniques from…